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Machining Flange Bolt tightening method

Torque-free Torx wrench or hammer wrench: It is suitable for general equipment and pipeline flange tightening, and is selected according to the Machining Flange Bolt size and flange pressure level. The tightening requirements are as follows:
1) The maintenance unit draws up a tightening plan, tightens the flanges symmetrically, and numbers the tightening sequence.
2) Position the gasket with 4 Machining Flange Bolt at positions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to ensure that the center of the spiral wound gasket is within the flange edge.
3) Tighten the positioning Machining Flange Bolts by hand, then insert other stud Machining Flange Bolts and hand-tighten to balance the load, ensuring that at least 2 threads are exposed at each end of the nut.
4) According to the field equipment and flange, one tightening cycle is calculated as one time, and the number of tightening times (at least 3 times) and the hammering load (strength) for each tightening are reasonably planned. Tighten in order from small to large (such as 50%, 80%, 100% increments), and the unloadable load is too fast and too large to prevent gasket seal failure.
5) The sequence of each tightening of the torqueless Torx wrench or hammer wrench:
Tighten two diametrically opposite Machining Flange Bolts to the predetermined hammer load (strength) of the Machining Flange Bolts;
Tighten another pair of Machining Flange Bolts approximately 90 degrees circumferentially apart from the previous two Machining Flange Bolts;
Continue tightening until all other Machining Flange Bolts are tightened to the specified hammer load.

6) Afterwards, tighten all Machining Flange Bolt clockwise or counterclockwise with 100% hammering load (strength).

Machining Flange Bolt


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